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Batwa Trail in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
Who is the Twa or Batwa People? Enjoy this thrilling blog about the Twa people as presented by Alps Trendy Safaris. The Twa, also known as the Batwa, are pygmy people who have lived in the Albertine Rift Valley region since immemorial time. Their society’s origins in the Bwindi Forests and Mgahinga is dating back...
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Birding in Uganda
Solo Travel in Uganda; How to explore Uganda alone Sole travel in Uganda is a safe because it is a peaceful country for all kinds of travelers including solo travelers. Both urban and rural areas of the country, there is a low crime rate and friendly locals where you can freely interact and socialize with...
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Shoebill and other bird species
There is a common question about African countries especially East Africa, is Rwanda safe for a safari?  Yes, you can successfully plan a safari to Rwanda and have a great adventure guaranteed of your safety and the world economics forum ranked Rwanda the 9th safest country in the world. Is Rwanda safe and a stable...
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Rwenzori marathon in Uganda 2024 also known as Tusker lite Rwenzori
Mount Rwenzori marathon 2024 also known as Tusker lite Rwenzori marathon is an annual running event that take place in Kasese district at the foot of Mount Rwenzori. Rwenzori Mountains are also known as the mountains of the moon with the highest peak called Margherita at 5109 Meters ASL. Tusker lite Rwenzori marathon is an...
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Environmental protection at Kibale National Park
Kibale national park is the primates’ capital of the world due to the highest concentration of primates in this amazing forest. Environmental protection at Kibale national park is one of the key issues the local communities are taking seriously. There has been environmental interpretation especially in Uganda’s forested national parks. It is an education activity...
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Helicopter safari Uganda Many people see this expression Helicopter safari Uganda but they do not really understand it. Can I have a helicopter safari in Uganda? Here is an explanation that can help you get it. Many national parks and game reserves in Uganda can be accesses by plane. Clients who don’t like long hour...
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